The Force of Temera is an Action RPG from a group called Dark City Productions. The game is still at an very early stage of development and is only 20% complete at the moment. The game is being coded in Blitz Basic though which means quite fast development times, so it may not be that far away.
The story behind the game goes basicly like this. The land of Temera is looked after by 'The Force of Temera'. This has to be controlled though and this can only be done by an immortal, this once done by the ~Goddess of Temera'. However the other immortals soon got tired and wanted to reach enlightement, for this is happen they had to die and the only way for an immortal to die is to be killed by another, they all started killing eachother until only one remained. This one trikced the goddess into a trap and took over the force himself, it is your job to re-capture it. (Well something like that anyway :)
Like I said the game is still in very early stages of development, and there isn't much to show for it at the moment apart from the one screenshot you can see on this page. The full game when finished will contain 256 colour graphics, very smooth strolling, 20 different background modules and much more. Currently they are aiming to have the game running on a plain 1200 with 2Meg, although this may change.
Currently they only have plans to make an Amiga version of this game, although they may consider a PC conversion after the Amiga version is finished. Hopefully there will be a demo available around June/July time.
For more information you can visit the Force of Tamera web page by clicking on this link:-